Frcs tin number list 2020 2021) TAX PAYMENT REMINDER; Sale of used vehicles forfeited by Customs; List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022 28 Apr 2020: MYOB AccountRight API (AU, NZ) ERP: Transferable* Edge Business Solutions Pte Limited: Download: Sitla Sharma Contact: (679) 9237454, 5087357 Email: sitla. 30pm and on Friday, 8am -4pm | Hotline 1326. Effective from 01st January 0010871001 leroy aitcheson 13. Phone and Other Contact Details: 14. s@edgebizsolutions. Home Address: 12. Once the address and contact details are updated, select the ‘usiness Names’ that are linked to this branch. 2021) TAX PAYMENT REMINDER; Sale of used vehicles forfeited by Customs; List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022 You need to leave that application as it will be automatically deleted after 14 days and you can email or visit FRCS to obtain the OTLC to access the online portal. FRCS has a reliable mechanism in place through which tax-related queries can be sent to FRCS and a response (including formal responses) sent to the taxpayer in a timely manner. FRCS OFFICE USE ONLY Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Nature of Company’s Structure: Is the company engaged in FAVP? (If yes please complete the supplementary form IRS 204A) Yes No Public Private Resident Non-resident Resident mutual or non-mutual insurance company? Is the Company a non-resident company claiming Film Tax Rebate ? List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price Social Responsibility Tax (SRT) Ring Fencing From 4th January 2021, the Social Responsibility Tax (SRT) Ring Fencing will be implemented on the Taxpayer Online Services (TPOS). Postal Address: 13. See which drivers are set to compete. Sub Process Type: 3. Should you require any further assistance contact our hotline 1326 or email tpos@frcs. The following taxpayers are urged to organize and update their tax returns with us. PAYE WITHHOLDINGS l a Øõüÿñ õøõêññ õßôõþù. FRCS will be TAX TALK The Fiji Revenue and Customs Service (FRCS), in consultation with the Reserve Bank of Fiji (RBF), has increased the financial limit for obtaining tax clearance from FJ$10,000 to FJ$20,000 effective from 6th October 2023. This excludes payment for services of any amount. 2021) TAX PAYMENT REMINDER; Sale of used vehicles forfeited by Customs; List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022 Feb 6, 2025 · List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price Oct 31, 2024 · As announced in the 2024/2025 National Budget, effective from 1stAugust 2024, the VAT Monitoring System (VMS) has been re-activated. 010161001; PREMIER BOOK CENTRE . FRCS is the agency responsible for collecting tax and duties on behalf of the government. It includes over 100 entries listing the business name, registration number (TIN), and date of registration. Accountant, Chief Financial Officer, Company Secretary, Director, Manager, Partner or Tax Agent. Employers requirements Many TELS students also opt for automatic deductions from payroll. In addition, from Saturday 2 May 2020, FRCS will be extending its operating hours for its Contact Centre service and Customer Service Offices in Suva, Lautoka, Nadi, Nausori You need to leave that application as it will be automatically deleted after 14 days and you can email or visit FRCS to obtain the OTLC to access the online portal. The earliest registration date listed is 23-Mar-1992 and tin of contractor name of contractor gross payments (fjd) tax deducted (fjd) total $ $ tin name of the paying company gross payments (fjd) tax deducted (fjd) total $ $ name of company gross income (fjd) tax deducted (fjd) foreign tax credit allowable (fjd) total $ $ $ details of director’s / management fees paid 116 number of employees FRCS would like to inform the public that the items listed below continue to enjoy zero-rated VAT, with the new inclusion of prescribed medicines or drugs. TIN +Tax Code + Branch No + Tax Year + Tax Month FRCS to Issue Default Assessments Following the issuance of the Public Notice on January 5th, 2024, FRCS wishes to inform taxpayers whose Taxpayer Identification Numbers [TINs] were listed on the FRCS website due to non-filing of VAT returns that they will now be issued with Default Assessments. Please enter your Location Please enter your First Name Please enter your Last Name Please enter your Date Of Birth(DD/MM/YYYY) Please enter your Contact Number Please enter your Correct Email ID Please enter your TIN and click the button below. Purpose of the TIN %PDF-1. What are the benefits of having a TIN number in Fiji? Apart from being a requirement FRCS OFFICE USE ONLY Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) First Name: Middle Name: Last Name: IRS202 [Revised: 31-July-2020] TOTAL INCOME DERIVED DURING THE YEAR. As such from 2 May 2020, FRCS has extended its opening hours for Offices in Suva, Lautoka, Nadi, Nausori and Labasa to Saturdays from 9am to 1pm. FRCS had undertaken physical verifications With the evolving situation of COVID-19 in the country, the Fiji Revenue and Customs Service (FRCS) has taken a number of precautionary measures to ensure health and safety of its employees, customers and community, while ensuring business continuity at the same time. Type Location HF464 Toyota Corolla Suva HH199 Toyota RAV 4 (4×4) HH475 Toyota RAV 4 (4×4) IA357 Volkswagon Polo White IA358 Volkswagon List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price Form Bundle Number Officer’s Signature For Office Use Only SECTION H: Representatives TIN Date of Birth First and Last Name Email Tax Type Enter your preferred FRCS Branch for all dealings of Tax affairs. It is important to note that FRCS will stop issuing all time to pay arrangement services including Value Added Tax (VAT), Service Turnover Tax (STT), Environment and Climate Adaptation Levy (ECAL) Prescribed Services and Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) from Friday, 30th October 2020. Learn what is Cashier TIN and how it is used within the VMS Sandbox system. Tax Indentification Numbers Tax Identification Number (TIN) Taxpayer Types Individuals Businesses (Sole Trader) Companies Partnerships Trusts Resident • Completed Application Form (Form IRS001) FRCS Launches Second Phase of VAT Compliance Campaign. 2021) TAX PAYMENT REMINDER; Sale of used vehicles forfeited by Customs; List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022 Or copy your current URL. Documents PDF Application Form for Vat Monitoring System (VMS) *Fillable Download User Manual for Taxpayer Portal (v. 2015 013267007 sharon ali 08. 10. This can be done online through the Register of Companies e-portal. Reference Number Format . 2005 0010887804 shereen s aiyub 30. 1 A number of reforms were introduced in the area of Starting a Business in the year 2020. OR the substituted year ended (State your Company TIN. Please contact the Lodgement Enforcement Unit (LEU) on managetaxreturns@frcs. What are the requirements for applying for TIN? Birth Certificate (Post 2000 extracts) or Valid passport (if born in Other countries) Passport size photo with white background order to have a TIN. The ORUS system was implemented under Republic Act No. Effective from 01/08/2023, 15% VAT rate is charged on goods and services with the exception of those items that fall under exempted and zero-rated VAT. Our strategic plan is aligned with the Government’s national plan to ensure sustainable and effective performance. FRCS. fj Suva Office Revenue & Customs Services Complex, Lot 1 Corner of Queen Elizabeth Drive & Ratu Sukuna Road,Nasese, Suva Dec 29, 2020 · FRCS Launches Second Phase of VAT Compliance Campaign. 09. 2015 Identification Number (TIN). Voreqe Bainimarama’s announcement, on restrictions to all inter-island shipping movements from 12am Sunday, 29 March 2020, the Fiji Revenue and Customs Service (FRCS) would like to urge and remind people living in the maritime communities to report any foreign yachts arriving in their List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price Type of Tax . Visvanath Das. 2021) TAX PAYMENT REMINDER; Sale of used vehicles forfeited by Customs; List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022 FRCS Launches Second Phase of VAT Compliance Campaign. INCOME TAX RETURN DETAILS 1. You will have to fill a TIN application form (IRS001) / FNPF/FRCS Joint ID Card form. Emails: info@frcs. Query: CLARIFICATION Taxpayer Request for Date: Taxpayer/Representative TIN Full Name: Signature: I declare that the information in this application is true and correct in every detail FRCS Wants to Release Your VAT Refund The Fiji Revenue and Customs Service (FRCS) wants to release your VAT refund. Validity Edit. List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price In Fiji, a TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) is a unique 9-digit number issued to individuals and businesses by the Fiji Revenue and Customs Service (FRCS) to identify them for tax purposes. fj Proceed to the Fiji Revenue and Customs Services (FRCS) TPOS to register for a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). Process or Tax Type: 2. However, Phase 1 (Supermarkets and Pharmacies) and Phase 2 (Law and Accounting Firms, Medical Centres, Hardware Companies (wholesale and retail) and Travel List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price FRCS Launches Second Phase of VAT Compliance Campaign. This extension to the implementation date is due to FRCS Effective from Friday 1 May 2020, FRCS will have Pop-up Service Desk at the Housing Authority of Fiji Head Office in Valelevu for ease of customers to access FRCS services. Non- Resident (State your TIN. fj or tpos@frcs. The TIN must consist of either 9 or 10 digits) (State your Name) FORM INSTRUCTIONS: PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE PROCEEDING . Opportunity to Update Information Title SIG Number Relevant Sections Effective Period; SIG 2020-24 Employer FNPF Contribution (Withdrawn) SIG 2020-24 [Section 15] Employment income, [Section 23] Contribution to an approved fund or Fiji National Provident Fund, Part 6 of Income Tax (Exempt Income) Regulations 2016, Regulation 8 of Income Tax (Other Incentives) Regulation 2018 Concerns have been raised by members of the public that these institutions and organizations are refusing to accept the FNPF/FRCS Joint Card and instead request for a Tax Identification Number (TIN) letter as a mandatory requirement to open a new bank account, application for a driver’s license and for employment purposes. Budget Amendments 2020 LN 60 – 72 of 2021 Saturday, 31st July 2021 LN 75 – 82 Beget Regulation 2020-2021 National Budget -Summary of Revenue Policies Budgets Changes 2016 Budget Summary of Revenue Policies 2015 Budget Summary of Revenue Policies 2014 Budget Summary of Revenue Policies 2013 Budget Summary Of Revenue Policies 2012 Budget Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Enter ndiidual Entity name Taxpayer Name (Duration between 2 - 12 months) (Eg. In this case, the employers also need to adhere to the mandatory requirements and this includes providing correct TIN numbers, List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price How Is Your Tax Money Used? In Fiji, tax money is collected by the government and used to fund various public services and programs, including infrastructure development, social services, defense and security, and public administration List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price FRCS Launches Second Phase of VAT Compliance Campaign. A Default Assessment is a tool that List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price FRCS OFFICE USE ONLY. Value Added Tax . Individuals and businesses will not require Tax Clearance Certificate (TCC) for remittances (except Identification Number (TIN) registration, application of Joint Cards, online payment of taxes FRCS has developed several education and awareness materials on the If the taxpayer is an individual, the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) will be prepopulated. All TINs generated from the new system will start with 29. What is a TIN? It is a number issued by the Fiji Revenue and Customs Service (FRCS) to identify a taxpayer. Copy. frcs. It is important to note that there is no fee for obtaining a TIN number in Fiji. bs 242-225-7280 (Toll free) 242-461-8050 242-604-8072 This form can be used as a guide for completing the 2020 CIT online return. fj or call 3243942,3243027 or 3243591. FRCS Launches Second Phase of VAT Compliance Campaign. 2015 0010882304 liakat ali 01. (FRCS). There is no need to apply for a new TIN. 2015 013011705 zubrina aziz 29. Existing taxpayers will continue to user their current TIN. The use of a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) helps us handle queries, trace correspondences and store information for each person that is registered for customs and tax purposes. Card Details: (place a tick in one of the boxes below) Left thumbprint of Applicant Number: Phone (Home): 1st Issue Renewal Replacement card Reason for replacement: Phone (Work): Mobile: Email: Number: Number: This form can be used as a guide for completing the 2020 CIT online return. gov. 2021) TAX PAYMENT REMINDER; Sale of used vehicles forfeited by Customs; List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022 List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price Enhancing accessibility of FRCS services to Fijians is crucial to the Organisation. 2021) TAX PAYMENT REMINDER; Sale of used vehicles forfeited by Customs; List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022 Those below under 18 can request for a TIN Letter through the Taxpayer Online Service (TPOS). 1992 020135708 atma bidesi 01. State the duration for the TTPA 5. tin taxpayername registration_date 1 010134902 frederickleckon t/a feeders 23/03/1992 2 010161001 arun csingh t/a premier book centre 12/12/2012 3 010163900 rahat aliasgar 8/11/2007 4 010211801 muntazali /trading as m ali taxis 31/03/1992 5 010217302 hassanali 23/04/2007 6 010224508 sureshautar 20/03/1992 7 010286106 hansah sam t/a rhianna only show the Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN) and names for taxpayers newly registered under the new Taxpayer Online Services (TPOS). However, failure to obtain a TIN number can result in penalties and fines. 2004 0010874705 shiraaz ali 30. The TIN number is used to track an individual or businesss tax obligations and payments. MC Reg Number: 10. The revised procedure includes 5 simple procedures, which can be carried out in five days. Once the new tax information system launches in December, the TIN digits will increase from 9 to 10. It is charged at rates of 0% and 15%. 12-Dec-2012 ; 010203903. 2021) TAX PAYMENT REMINDER; Sale of used vehicles forfeited by Customs; List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022 the name and TIN of the business, and the identification of the business premises where the transaction occurred the date and time the invoice is issued; the sequential serial number of the invoice; the serial number of the digital certificate of the business’s EFD; the digital signature of the EFD. As of 1 August 2023, the previous three-VAT rates system has been replaced with a more streamlined two-VAT rate system. Oct 15, 2020 · Services from November 3rd 2020. Some lines on the return can be input directly, whereas others will be populated based on the information you input in a supporting Today, the Board of Fiji Revenue & Customs Service (FRCS) announced the resignation of Chief Executive Officer, Mr. g. 0) for iOS Download Step By Step InstructionsOn The Road To Fiscalization (VMS/EFD) Download Tax Labels – FRCS Launches Second Phase of VAT Compliance Campaign. 11. fj the FRCS. 72-34235-1-1) followed by captcha. The applicant must tick the checkbox to declare that the information provided is correct. The TIN must consist of either 9 or 10 digits) (State the Company Name) List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price Aug 21, 2020 · Report Small Craft /Yacht Movement on Coast Watch hotline. 7. The VAT rate of 9% has been raised to Kickstarting your business in Fiji FAQS PUBLICATIONS Home Resources Business Process Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) FAQs Resources Do I need a business license? As of 1 August 2020, the requirement for obtaining business licensing is eliminated. 2000 0010884502 hasmat ali 01. Many children today have a TIN. Names shown on the correspondences will be in What is a TIN? The Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is a unique identifier issued by FRCS to identify all categories of tax and duty payers. April 3, 2020. Reg No. 2020 0010880508 elizabeth antonio 28. The Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is a unique identifier 9 alpha numeric issued by FRCS to identify all categories of tax and duty payers. Interested bidders can obtain layout plan, specification documents and book site FRCS Launches Second Phase of VAT Compliance Campaign. Jan 23, 2025 · This is a step-by-step guide on how to get a Tax Identification Number (TIN) ID online using the Online Registration and Update System (ORUS). INCOME TAX RETURN DETAILS. If the taxpayer is a non-individual, then the TIN must be entered, and their designation must be selected from a drop-down. 2019 013518903 sela akanisi 01. fj , By telephoning us on 679 – 3243030, and request to speak to Ms. PAYE WITHHOLDINGS (In the online form, the table above will pre-populate the details of an employee’s income and taxes based on the Employer Monthly Schedules submitted by the employer for the 2020 period) EMPLOYER . IRS204 [Revised: 31-July-2020] 2: 1: NET PROFIT as shown in Profit and Los Account: TIN Bank name, address and account number VAT Supplementary Registration if applicable (Form IRS018) Completed Application Form (Form IRS003) Company Office Registration Certificate (If Applicable) Trust Deed Trustees and beneficiaries name & TIN Bank name, address and account number List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price Dec 15, 2023 · A TIN may be obtained in cases where an individual is believed to be deriving income in Fiji. Once you submit the application, two separate emails with your login credentials will be sent to the email address you provided; one with the User ID created during the sign up and another with a temporary password, which would be used for your first-time login to TPOS. FRCS also facilitates trade and travel activities across Fijian borders. 11976, also known as the Ease of Paying Taxes Law, to simplify tax compliance for individuals. The system will not allow submission of a TIN application by individuals unless their birth certificate details are provided online. PIT 202. pro 2. 0. 01. 3. 04. These include: (i)Registration of business name with Registrar of Companies. tin taxpayer name registration 0070125412 adilaxmi 10/nov/00 0183020604 subarmani 26/apr/04 0505512103 06 investment services and consultancy 27/mar/17 0501576608 14 taunovo bay, llc pte limited 2/feb/06 0505215206 180-16 south pte limited 14/oct/14 0505801401 2 frangipanis pte ltd 15/mar/19 0501744403 21st agency pte limited 26/jan/09 011788508 moshin ali 11/1/2020 011801106 mosheen ahmed 2/27/2023 011806008 mohammed ali 10/1/2015 011822402 riakat ali 2/1/2020 011825405 muhammed ali 1/1/2020 011830609 riaz ali 8/10/2022 011835707 khalid abbas 1/1/2013 011864901 loreeen ashika 7/24/2015 011882905 waiz ali 1/1/2018 011883504 alfred ali 4/9/2020 011900003 shifrooz ali 6/1/2018 Registration Date: 010134902. In addition, from May 1 2020, FRCS has set up a Pop-up Service Desk at the Housing Authority Tax Identification Number (TIN), Fiji address and overseas address in the spaces provided. From 3rd November 2020, all clarification queries can be made on the TPOS and FRCS will review the query and post a reply. 2020 013560807 shamim ali 29. Arun kumar Charan property's and investment; 13-Apr-2018 2017/2: FITS and ASYCUDA World TIN Integration; 2016/2: Reduction in duty on sawn timber, plywood, insulated wire, cables and other insulated electrical conductors; 2016/1: Change over of transit process from ASYCUDA++ to ASYCUDA World; 2015/5: Live implementation of the ASYCUDA World system at Nadi and Lautoka ports The FRCS will then verify the information provided and issue a TIN number if the application is approved. Tax Indentification Numbers Check out the full entry list for the 2020 Buckle Up In Your Truck 225 NASCAR TRUCK Series race at Kentucky Speedway. Linda Boyle- Customer Service Champion; By writing to us {FRCS, Corner Queen Elizabeth Drive and Ratu Sukuna Road Nasese Suva} By emailing us email: feedback@frcs. com Cristian Kippes Contact: +551151894050: 28 Feb 2018: FRCS POS: Transferrable* FRCS: Download: N/A: 28 May 2020: PRONTO XI: ERP: Transferable* PRONTO List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price If you are an Authorised Person of the Taxpayer, please go to the Login and authenticate using digital certificate received from the FRCS. If you are married, complete the boxes for spouse’s name, spouse’s TIN, date marriage registered and whether spouse employed in this period. Usual Occupation: 11. TIN +Tax Code+ Tax Year + Tax Month. I don’t have a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and would like to know of the requirements for registration. 2021) TAX PAYMENT REMINDER; Sale of used vehicles forfeited by Customs; List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022 0010871001 leroy aitcheson 13. The List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price TIN of Applicant or Representative submitting the form Valid Photo ID of Applicant (for Individuals) or Representative (for non-individuals) submitting the form Date of Receipt: Officer’s Name: Reference Number: Officer’s Signature: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 2 TPR/TPRP 2020 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) registration Application of Joint cards Online payments of taxes. 12. While we encourage the use of our online services, FRCS wishes to remind customers not to divulge their confidential information such as user ID, one-time log-in code, TIN and other personal information to any Please enter your TIN (Eg. 123456789 +11+ 2020 + 08. No fees are charged for the application of a TIN number. State the down payment Rate 3. Some lines on the return can be input directly, whereas others will be populated based on the information you input in a supporting The Department of Inland Revenue Shops at Carmichael Plaza, Carmichael Road PO Box N-13 Nassau, Bahamas taxinquiries@bahamas. Fill below the relevant liabilities for TTPA E DES E EE DES The document appears to be a list of business names registered in Fiji along with their registration dates. 10 %) Provide additional details 2. A list of mandatory FRCS Launches Second Phase of VAT Compliance Campaign. 2018 013326809 avinesh naidu 01. 2021) TAX PAYMENT REMINDER; Sale of used vehicles forfeited by Customs; List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022 List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price TIN of Applicant or Representative submitting the form Valid Photo ID of Applicant (for Individuals) or Representative (for non-individuals) submitting the form TPR/TCC 2020 Date of Receipt: Officer’s Name: Reference Number: Officer’s Signature: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 2 List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price 1 Number lins usiness name to ranch details 11, 1 11 lins ranch details to usiness name 1, 1 lins ranch details to usiness name etc (If Yes, Landlord’s TIN is Mandatory) Jul 21, 2021 · For example, a birth certificate number is a mandatory requirement while applying for a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for any individual born in Fiji. In the space provided, explain the purpose for obtaining tax clearance. 4) Download FRCS Free POS Installation and User Manual (v. 2) for Android Download FRCS Free POS Installation and User Manual (v. Jan 10, 2021 · 1. PAYE . 2021) TAX PAYMENT REMINDER; Sale of used vehicles forfeited by Customs; List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022 List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price Register for Tax Identification Number (TIN) As of 1 August 2020, the requirement for obtaining business licensing is eliminated. I’ve just started working with a company as a sales rep and would be earning FJ$15,600 per annum. What are the benefits of having a TIN number in Fiji? Apart from being a requirement Proceed to the Fiji Revenue and Customs Services (FRCS) to register for a Tax Identification Number (TIN). 2015 taxpayer name tin tax type registration date frederick leckon 010134902 07/01/92 arun singh 010161001 07/01/92 rahat ali asgar 010163900 01/01/06 abdul ahmed 010173202 07/01/92 arun charan 010203903 01/01/18 muntaz ali 010211801 07/01/92 shafiq ali 010215300 07/01/92 hassain ali 010217302 01/01/07 amjad ali 010218509 07/01/95 suresh autar FRCS Wants to Release Your VAT Refund The Fiji Revenue and Customs Service (FRCS) wants to release your VAT refund. If the applicant has already left Fiji write the actual date of departure. TIN Registration through TPOS Value Added Tax (VAT) is a tax on spending that is levied on the supply of goods and services in Fiji. 0 WIN. üõøõù FRCS Launches Second Phase of VAT Compliance Campaign. His extensive experience in FRCS has been in Audit for over 15 years before he became National Manager Debt, General Manager Taxation prior to being appointed PIT 2020. Taxpayer TIN: Taxpayer Name: Derived during the year ended 31st December. For Customer Complaints, Whistleblower or Feedback with any of our services Opening hours for Contact Center Monday – Thursday, 8am – 4. Fijians who have attained 18 years if age are eligible to obtain a TIN; Fees Edit. For more information or assistance, please call us on 3243000 or 1326 or email info@frcs. Example . óñùÿþäýòõ'êßä( ÿöòùþõõõþ÷ñ÷õôùþØùþõÿ Øùþõ'ØoØ( ñþñóùÿþ øÿøñõ öñùüõôÿ. The list of Business Names was entered earlier and is available from a dropdown list. 6 %âãÏÓ 11 0 obj > endobj 23 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[67687877469FCA4F8F0946BE0AEBBFEC>]/Index[11 27]/Info 10 0 R/Length 82/Prev 551505/Root 12 0 R Register or login to access the services of Fiji Revenue & Customs Service through the Taxpayer Portal. The validity of a Joint ID card will be 10 years. 1. 1. 2021) TAX PAYMENT REMINDER; Sale of used vehicles forfeited by Customs; List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022 Marital Status: (√) 9. 2021) TAX PAYMENT REMINDER; Sale of used vehicles forfeited by Customs; List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022 By completing a feedback form on our website www. Visvanath joined the Inland Revenue Service in July 1996. SECTION I: FRCS Office List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price The Fiji Revenue and Customs Service (FRCS) invites tenders from reputable, financially sound and experienced companies, designing firms and contractors for supply and installation of air conditioning units for their Nadi Office situated at Challenge Engineering PTE Limited Building, lot 1 Votualevu Road, Nadi. tin taxpayer name vat registration date 010661604 abdul kaium 01. Log off automatically after: 10 minutes 9 hours 0 0 20 minutes You will be logged off after 20 minutes of inactivity. 011652605 shafaan ali 14/07/2020 011654607 sheikh ai-zain 01/01/2020 011685803 christine ah kee 01/06/2020 011705109 mohammed ahmed 01/01/2016 011707400 vincent achari 09/01/2023 011710602 mohammed ali 01/01/2015 011717001 varun anand 12/03/2021 011735005 mohammed ali 23/05/2022 011735500 alfaaz ali 02/08/2023 011739205 sadhna anand 01/01/2018 The Fiji Revenue & Customs Service is the major funder of the National Budget. Therefore, FRCS would like to advise all businesses that were gazetted under Phase 1 and 2 of the VMS rollouts that they need to be fully compliant by 31st December 2024. Taxpayer TIN: Select your Residency Status* Taxpayer Name: Resident. Close FRCS Launches Second Phase of VAT Compliance Campaign. Reason for Extension: 4. 1992 020251103 peni baleinagusui 01. org. MORE. 2009 0010871908 gulsher ali 01. Otherwise, Subsequent to the Public Notice dated 29th December 2022, FRCS wishes to advise all its taxpayers including tax agents that the Corporate Income Tax (CIT) and Personal Income Tax (PIT) filing process for the 2022 tax year return will now be available from mid-March 2023. 2020 0010871403 mohammed ali 01. How Is Your Tax Money Used? In Fiji, tax money is collected by the government and used to fund various public services and programs, including infrastructure development, social services, defense and security, and public administration no. fj or info@frcs have the option to ask FRCS for clarifications. 2021) TAX PAYMENT REMINDER; Sale of used vehicles forfeited by Customs; List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022 The FRCS will then verify the information provided and issue a TIN number if the application is approved. 1993 List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price The Fiji Revenue and Customs Service (FRCS) has announced today that four new online service modules will be available on its Taxpayer Online service (TPOS) from 3 November 2020. If you are expecting the return to give you a refund, this will be paid . The new services that will be available include (i) Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC), (ii) Taxpayer Requests for Remission of Penalties, (iii) Requests for Time to Pay FRCS would like to advise all VAT-registered taxpayers that as announced in the 2023/2024 National Budget, the implementation of Phase 3 of the VAT Monitoring System (VMS) has been deferred until further notice. Further to the Prime Minister Hon. FEEDERS ; 23-Mar-1992 . 2000 0010873302 imraz ali 01. 2020 0010880704 asad asgar 17. Tropical Cyclone Yasa – Importation of Disaster Relief Goods (25. fj or info@frcs The Fiji Revenue and Customs Service (FRCS) invites tenders for the sale of below listed used vehicles on “as is where is” basis. What is the new process for Starting a Business? The process for Starting a Business is made fast and. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN. People who do not have a TIN need to sign up as a new taxpayer via TPOS. Write the Fiji passport number and Date first migrated in the space provided. 07. The businesses cover a wide range of industries including transportation, retail shops, construction, services and more. Please consult with a Customer Service officer if you need help to complete the Return. List of TINs with Outstanding VAT Filing Obligation; FRCS RELOCATION OF NADI OFFICE; List of Goods on Sale – October/ November sale 2022; FRCS Main Switchboard Issues; Sale Notice; Sale Notice – November 2020; DEFERMENT OF TELS (Tertiary Education Loans Scheme) REPAYMENT; Customer Notice Service update – Smart Card Reader New Price FRCS Launches Second Phase of VAT Compliance Campaign. Apart from our primary mandate, FRCS continues to partner and support other government initiatives as needed. directly to a bank account, write the bank name, branch name and account number in the box provided. Effective today, to minimize contacts, all joint cards will be posted to customers bring the completed return to FRCS for assistance. 2022 020124601 isoa bakani 01. The TIN number is valid for ever as long as the entity applying for the TIN number exists his/her TIN and designation e. Taxpayer Online Services – Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Registration; 4 The Record 23 August 2020 FRCS; FBC Na Vakekeli Talk back show – 2020/2021 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) er u y e Taxpayer Name 1. Who can apply for TIN? Anybody. TIN extremely crucial to assist the FRCS team in reconciling payments towards the student loan account. The VAT Act requires most businesses and organisations involved in taxable activities in Fiji to; landlord’s TIN. ykncpdwl rfuvxp qgbs clupmhb icjly bqm ublol llsw nskyy gnn bpltg dloi ntoha xgxf iklzhp